
Showing posts with the label Family

Borax Museum

Death Valley National Park

The Borax museum is an outdoor museum exhibiting machinery and vehicles used by the Pacific Coast Borax Company in their Death Valley mining operations. 

20 Mule Team wagon trains were used to haul 24 tons of borax 165 miles from Death Valley to Mojave.

Steam powered trains eventually replaced the 20 Mule Teams.

Sit Here!

Sit Here!
Sofie Siegmann

The Beauty of Decay

Posing with Onny Huisink's Decaying Puppets

These puppets are part of series of art installations of puppets by Onny Huisink. The puppets are left around the globe to decay -- to become casualties of their environment. Visitors are asked to take photos with the puppets to document the decay. As members of the four generations in my household pose with the puppets, I realize that the photos we take also document the beautiful decay and development of my own family.


The Last Supper

The Last Supper
Charles Albert Szukalski


Sharks in the Desert

Z loves sharks. Mandalay Bay has sharks. Therefore, we go see the sharks.

Antique Alley Antics

Treasures await discovery at the Antique Alley Mall.