Paul Bunyan's Cook Shanty

A giant billboard enticed us to stop... or maybe it was that it was that we should have eaten hours before.

In the Great Northwoods of Wisconsin, in the town of Minocqua, is a tourist trap of a restaurant that lures hungry travelers off the highway with a giant cutout billboard and giant fiberglass figures: Paul Bunyan's Cook Shanty.

Giant fiberglass figures are a common art medium of the Great Northwoods 

Some view the figures as playground equipment... or maybe mountains to be conquered.

Sophia poses with Babe. I wonder if they have blue ox on the menu.

I pose with babe.

This sign said to pay as we enter. We paid as we left.

The dining room was mostly empty; as might be expected for late on a Sunday night.

The Lumberjack Feast provided both quality and quantity nourishment.
