
Showing posts with the label Statue


Glascock's Landing

Tom Sawyer & Huck Finn

Popeye the Sailorman

Chester, Illinois, is the home town of Elzie Segar, creator of Popeye the Sailorman.  

Statues of Popeye characters are scattered around the town. We spent a couple hours tracking down the statues and recalling memories of Popeye.

Olive Oyl

The Sea Hag & Bernard

"If they wasn't no bad women, maybe we wouldn't appreciate the good ones.
Anyway, she yam what she yam!"
- Popeye, on The Sea Hag

Professor O.G.Wotasnozzle

Poopdeck Pappy

"You looks like somethings the dogs digged up... I hate relatives." 

Alice the Goon


Cole Oyl

Olive Oyl's father, Cole Oyl

Castor Oyl


"I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today."